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Corona update III

Status: We made it!!

After much being distressed at the different airline offices, every one of us got a ticket on a rescheduled flight to Brussels. 

Kevin, the trusted sales clerk at Rwandair saw me entering the extremely crowded sales office this morning and immediately waved me to the front. He put down my reference number and I had been rebooked to the flight in 10min. How lucky!?

The other three were all able to get a spot on that flight as well, we went to Kimironko Market to pick up some things we ordered (I know have a very patterned suit that I'm expecting loads of compliments for from my loving readers), got some cake for Laura's birthday, and had one last Rwandan meal, including Matoke. If you still know what that is from one of my first posts, gets bonus points!

More posts to come in the next days, there are still some gaps in my Rwandan Rwandan adventure tales. 

Now at the airport and very exhausted. But so happy to be back in Europe soon, where everything may be crazy, but also much more secure in terms of health care and political stability. 

Last boda boda ride!

Unflattering but very honest photo of cake and wine. 

Market craze
Goodbye delicious chapati that I had almost every morning for breakfast with avocado 

Avocado which I got right here. 


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