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Es werden Posts vom Februar 2, 2020 angezeigt.

Lake Bunyonyi - Part II

Also celebrating Martin's birthday today. He's a Ugandan friend of Beth's.  Walked around the lake for a while with beautiful views. When the road got too muddy, it rained a lot yesterday, we took a boat to reach the way up one of the viewpoints. Finally some cute animals!  After less than 8 hours on the lake, I already feel as relaxed after a two week holiday. It's really quiet and there are no other tourists around. Just ordered some curry and already on my first Nile Premium for the day. Prost!

Lake Bunyonyi

A really bumpy taxi ride and a good night's sleep later, this is to what we woke up. Will take a walk around now. How lovely. Proof that I'm here too, and not just posting photos off the internet: